
Friday, August 20, 2010


PCSX2 Features:
- Good emulation speed.
- PS2 Save states.
- Full screen gameplay.
- Full sound support on PC.
- DirectX Joystick support.
- JPG screenshots capture.
- BMP screenshots capture.
- Memory card support
(check folder memcards).
- Multi-language.
- Load multi-disc games
- Updates Online
- Multiplayer support


MS-Officce 2003

u all r aware from ms-office 2003
i know
bt i have office 2003 in small size with full version & total features

i have office 2003 in only 72MB.



Restrict right click on the desktop

Well, restricting right click on the desktop will be very useful to to prevent any one from changing options of your folders and applications by right clicking on them. you can do this easily form the registry. So to do so, just go through this simple steps:-

1. Go to Start menu and run the command prompt with Administrator rights.

2. Type regedit and press Enter. Now locate to the following folder:-

HKEY_CURRENT _USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Po licies\Explorer.
3. Once you reached to the folder, right click anywhere on the right side and create a new DWORD value. Name it as NoViewContextMenu.

4. Set the value 1 for this key by double clicking on it and press Ok.

5. Now make one more Dword value in the same registry key and name this key as “NoTrayContextmenu”. And set the value 1 for this key as well by double clicking on it and press Ok.

6. Now to disable the context menu for the Taskbar, locate to the following folder:-

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Explorer\Advanced.
7. Right click in the right pane and create a new DWORD value as before and name it as TaskbarContextMenu. Put value for this key as 0.

8. close the registry and you are done.

Protect folder with password w/o software(s)

title Folder Locker
if EXIST ?Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}? goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p ?cho=>?
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker ?Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}?
attrib +h +s ?Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}?
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p ?pass=>?
if NOT %pass%==?type your password here? goto FAIL
attrib -h -s ?Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}?
ren ?Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}? Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

* Now paste it in notepad.
o Save it as batch file(with extension .bat).Any name will do.
o Now you see a batch file. Double click it to create a folder locker.
o A new folder named Locker would be formed at the same location.
o Now brings all the files you want to hide in the locker folder.
o Now double click the batch file to lock the folder namely Locker.
o If you want to unlock your files,double click the batch file again and you would be prompted for password.Enter the password and enjoy access to the folder.


Create your own Welcome Screen in Xp

Create your own Welcome Screen in Xp
Create your own windows loggon message
Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.

In the
Registry Editor, drill down to the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\
WinlogonRight-click LegalNoticeCaption, click Modify, type My Windows
XP Machine, and then click OK.Right-click LegalNoticeText, click
Modify, and then type your message.Close the editor and your new
message will appear at every log on.This tip applies to computers that
are part of a domain. For stand-alone or peer-to-peer networks,
the custom screen appears just before the Welcome screen.


This For all those who have started hacking or just have a craze for hacking . here is a cool way of testing are u eligible to enter the field of hacking.try this test . and be honest please , dont ditch yourself. u can find its solution on the net but still plz dont try to find it. just check urself how fast ur mind can work

now after loging to this link tell me ur time needed and please dont ask for help or hint

uTorrent Secret..... uTorrent plays sound !!!

I just found this new uTorrent Trick. It is not the uTris one. Try it out...

open utorrent.exe

Click on Help>About

In the window that appears, click on the uTorrent logo... Don't forget to switch on your speakers befor u do so...


Panda Global Protection 2009 Final

Panda Global Protection 2009 protects you from viruses, spyware, rootkits, hackers, online fraud, identity theft and all other Internet threats. Thanks to the new Collective Intelligence Technology, the solution is now much faster than previous versions. You will also have at your disposal Tech Support 24h-365d, 24h-SOS service and the daily updates that ensure you are protected against all new threats that appear around the world. Its ease-of-use, simplicity and offer a Maximum protection with minimum impact on your PC.

Anti-Malware Protection
Anti-Malware Engine
Automatically detects and eliminates viruses, spyware, Trojans, rootkits, bots and other malware before they infect your computer.

* Scans files in real-time and on-demand.
* Scans emails before they reach your inbox, regardless of your email program.
* Scans Internet traffic regardless of your browser type.
* Scans Instant Messaging traffic in MSN Messenger, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and AOL.
* Removes all traces of clutter left by spyware on your PC.

Advanced Proactive Protection
Technologies from Panda Security are widely recognized as the most effective against new and unknown malware.

* Genetic Heuristic Engine combines advanced algorithms to detect new variants of the most dangerous malware families.
* TruPrevent Technologies 2.0 silently analyze the behavior of programs, blocking those that try to damage your PC. This last line of defence blocks zero-day targeted attacks and terminates any malicious activity that has evaded traditional protection systems.

Personal Firewall
Protects you against Internet-borne worms and hacker attacks.

* Smart auto-configuration allows good programs to run while blocking malicious ones.
* Shields your PC from hackers on the Web.
* Wireless Monitor protects your wireless network from intruders.
* Intrusion prevention blocks known and unknown hacker attacks and vulnerability exploits.

Identity Theft Protection
Anti-Phishing Filter

Recognizes fraudulent email and protects you from scams while you shop, bank or pay bills online.
Anti-Banking Trojan Engine

Detects the most dangerous identity theft malware used by cyber-criminals to steal banking credentials. Specialized heuristics and generic detection techniques ensure maximum protection for online transactions. NEW!
Anti-Rootkit Technology

Detects and removes silently-installed rootkits used by malware or hackers to evade traditional antivirus products. The free Panda Anti-Rootkit, used by millions of people around the world, recently won the Editor’s Choice award from PC Magazine. NEW!

Safe Internet Browsing
Anti-Spam Filter

Keeps your inbox free from junk mail. With the new spam engine detection rates are now over 97%, ensuring uninterrupted service and delivering the emails you really need. NEW!
Parental Control

Lets your children browse the Internet safely by blocking access to violent, adult, or racist content, as well as other inappropriate websites. From the solution’s control panel –and regardless of the browser type- you can assign predefined filters (child, adolescent, employee…) to users or customize filter rules according to your specific needs, .
Web Filter

Lets you use the Internet safely without the risk of infections, vulnerability exploits, browser hijacking or phishing websites.By analyzing website content, links and Web reputation scores, Panda Security provides protection against all types of Web-based malware and scams. NEW!
Personal Information Filter

Prevents theft from your PC of credit card numbers, social security numbers and any other personal information you define. NEW!

PC Optimization
Backup & Restore

Safeguards your most important files against accidental loss or damage. It prevents loss of important documents either unintentionally, or through hard disk problems or other accidents. Backup and restoration from hard drive, CD, DVD, other external media or online are both extremely simple and easy.
Premium Online Backup

To safeguard your most important files and have access to them anytime, anywhere. Backing up your most important files online ensures the integrity of your information regardless of what happens to your PC. This ultimate safety layer provides 2 gigabytes of free, secure storage for one year. NEW!
Tune Up

Automatically finds and fixes problems in your PC and keeps your system running smoothly. It optimizes your PC performance by removing unnecessary registry entries, deleting temporary files and speeding up your hard disk.

Make Icons 256 Color 16-Bit

Make Icons 256 Color 16-Bit

1. Open the Registry

2. Hit Ctrl+F

3. Type Shell Icon BPP

4. When found, right click the Shell Icon BPP icon

5. Click Modify

6. Change the value from 4 to 16

7. Click Ok

8. Close the registry

9. Restart your computer

How to Back Up the Registry [ full guide for NooBs ]

Before you edit the registry, export the keys in the registry that you plan to edit, or back up the whole registry. If a problem occurs, you can then follow the steps how-to restore the registry to its previous state.


How to Export Registry Keys

Click Start, and then click Run.

In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.

On the File menu, click Export.

In the Save in box, select the boxs at the bottom the bottom according to weather you want to export all or only selected branches of the registry.

Next select a location in which to save the backup .reg file. In the File name box, type a file name, and then click Save.

How to Restore the Registry

To restore registry keys that you exported, double-click the .reg file that you saved.

NEW GOOGLE SECRETS ! ! FOUND BY ME !! Web Directory Productivity Solutions for Business Google's Tech Playground Glance into google Google Press Centre Google on Mobile Google Alerts Text message Google for quick results Google US Gov Search Google University Search Google for PDA Google Book Search Google IMode Notebook facilites Google Reader Google Business Solutions Movies Showtimes Custom Google Search Engine Google Image Search Product Search beta Create your own transit trip, complete with itineraries and maps Online Shopping list Check out Google's latest ideas BSD Search Engine Search Catalogs Google Linux Search Microsoft Google Search Engine Google News Google Patents Search

They all are searched using my personal website directory scanner.

Format USB drive with NTFS

Enabling NTFS in removable storage devices allows us to add allow and deny permissions on individual files and folders for specific Windows users; that?s the function not available in FAT file system. NTFS also allows files to be encrypted by using Windows XP?s built-in encryption.

How to enable USB drive with NTFS?
1. You need to connect your USB device to your computer, that?s for sure. Right-click on My Computer from the desktop and choose Manage.
2. Click on ?Device Manager? and expand out ?Disk Drives?. There are maybe couple of drives depending on how many USB drive & hard drive connected to your PC.
3. Right click on USB drive and select ?properties?. After that, click on the ?Policies? tab and choose ?Optimize for performance? radio button. Finally click OK and you are done!
4. If you right-click on USB drive and select ?Format..? you will see NTFS is now available.

One-Click computer Lock!

1 click computer lock!
One-Click computer Lock!

Now What u have to do is to just follow the steps to create a one-click Computer Lock shortcut on your desktop:

1. On your desktop, right-click on a blank spot and point to New, then click on Shortcut.

2- Now click BROWSE Button and then gave any Path where u want to place that shortcut. ( best place for this is Desktop)

3- Now click Next and then type any name (of ur choice) for that Icon (icon for Lock of Computer)

4- Now right-click the newly created icon and choose its Propertes (pop-up-menu)

5- Now click on Shortcut Tab

6- in Front of TARGET address bar. just copy and paste the following line

%windir%\system32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation

7- Then click on OK button to exit from properties menu of that shortcut

7 ways to open cmd when it has been blocked...

1. start - run - cmd

2. start notepad and type "" (without quotes) and save as .bat

3. open up notepad and type "start" (without quotes) and save as .bat file

4. create new shortcut - for location of the item type "" (without quotes

5. create new shortcut - for location of the item type "start" (without quotes)

6. or also you should have access to WINDOWS (in C:\ or whatever your drive is) and then you can just start cmd from there....

7. theres a downloadable program called command prompt portible which will allow you to open up a modified version of cmd (more commands)

Microsoft Windows Server 2008: The Complete Reference

Your Definitive Resource on Microsoft Windows Server 2008
“Build your network the right way with expert advice! This book provides real-world help in implementing Windows Server 2008 with attention to the use of virtualization solutions covering all you need to know in one well-written guide to success.” –Bob Kelly, and Technical Reviewer

Plan, set up, and administer a powerful, scalable Microsoft Windows Server 2008 environment. Featuring detailed explanations, best practices, pragmatic checklists, and real-world implementation examples, this comprehensive resource shows you how to deploy, manage, and secure WS08 on enterprise networks of all sizes.
Microsoft Windows Server 2008: The Complete Reference explains how to develop migration plans and transition to WS08, configure AD and Internet services, handle print and Web servers, and work with resource pools and network delegation rights. You’ll get full coverage of the latest virtualization techniques, OU strategies, remote administration features, and storage maintenance utilities. Find out how to tune performance, deploy bulletproof security, create reliable system backups, and design failsafe disaster recovery plans. You’ll also learn to rely on resource pools and virtual service offerings to create the very best Windows infrastructure implementation.
*Migrate legacy networks to a Windows Server 2008-based infrastructure
*Configure ADDS, User Services, DNS, DHCP, and IIS7
*Set up the Network and Build Network Infrastructure Servers
*Use Server Core to run the Hyper-V role on host servers
*Design user and computer Group Policy strategies, network delegation rights, and OU strategies
*Manage file, print, application, terminal, Web, and collaboration servers as virtual service offerings
*Administer WS08 from the MMC, PowerShell, desktop, and command line
*Optimize redundancy using Windows Clustering Services and NLB on both host and virtual machines
*Secure WS08 using the Castle Defense System, BitLocker, Kerberos, EFS, PKI, smart cards, and biometrics
*Back up and restore data using WBAdmin.exe, the Volume Shadow Copy service, and the Recovery Wizard
*Rely on the most up-to-date task list to create a complete administration plan once the network is deployed

Photo To Cartoon 4.0.8 Full

make some programs to edit picture, they can make funny photos for you. such as sketch, colorsketch, cartoon, or other effects for photo.
Photo To Cartoon v4.08
• Make funny and amazing cartoons.
• You can create personalized cartoons of your friends, family or famous people.
• Add a sketch effect to a cartoon photo.
• Make outline for photo, trace the original photo and freehand drawing , just like rubbing.
• Making cartoons is simple


Windows XP Genuine Maker Registry

Windows XP Genuine Maker Registry (No Patch or Cr@ck)


NO CHANCE OF VIRUS OR ANYTHING. Also works on SP 3 and PE Editions.

Download and double-click on the reg file. That's all there is to it


26 mobile antiviruses for your mobile phone



550 Amazing Abstract Mobile Wallpapers (240×320)

550 Amazing Abstract Mobile Wallpapers (240×320) |17mb
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My Favourite Cute Babies Pictures & Wallpapers Collection



Hybrid VS

I am presenting you the world top most downloaded vista themes here and Tuneup Utilities 2008 here to apply that themes.
HQ Preview :

How to Apply theme using Tuneup Utilities

Zeus OS X : Spirit of Leopard (10+ Mac Style Themes for Vista)

I am presenting you the world top most downloaded vista themes here and Tuneup Utilities 2008 here to apply that themes.


How to Apply theme using Tuneup Utilities:

Product RED Complete Vista Theme

I am presenting you the world top most downloaded vista themes here and Tuneup Utilities 2008 here to apply that themes.
HQ Preview :

How to Apply theme using Tuneup Utilities:

Axis VS - Dark,Black & White, 2 Themes for Vista

I am presenting you the world top most downloaded vista themes here and Tuneup Utilities 2008 here to apply that themes.
HQ Preview :

How to Apply theme using Tuneup Utilities:


Wabbitness - Dark Vista Theme (My Favorite)

I am presenting you the world top most downloaded vista themes here and Tuneup Utilities 2008 here to apply that themes.
HQ Preview


How to Apply theme using Tuneup Utilities: Tutorial by
Download Tune up Utilities 2008 here:

Flash Banner Creator

Flash Banner Creator is an easy-to-use slideshow banner maker. With Flash Banner Creator, you can create animated and professional-looking flash slideshow banner in minutes.
You can use your own photos and music, and combine them with animated transition effects to create professional Flash ads and Flash banners. Flash Banner Creator integrates more than fifty cool Flash templates to help you make a stunning Flash banner in minutes with few clicks.
By using a friendly interface, you can generate your slideshow banner within steps. Simply follow the tabs at the top of the program to go step-by-step in the image making banner. When you have completed, just publish it in SWF and HTML format and add it to your webpage.



Core Java Volume I–Fundamentals (8th Edition)

Core Java(TM), Volume I Fundamentals (8th Edition)
By Cay S. Horstmann,&nbspGary Cornell,

* Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR
* Number Of Pages: 864
* Publication Date: 2007-09-11
* Sales Rank: 15617
* ISBN / ASIN: 0132354764
* EAN: 9780132354769
* Binding: Paperback
* Manufacturer:
* Studio: Prentice Hall PTR Book Description:

This revised edition of the classic Core Java, Volume I Fundamentals, is the definitive guide to Java for serious programmers who want to put Java to work on real projects.

Fully updated for the new Java SE 6 platform, this no-nonsense tutorial and reliable reference illuminates the most important language and library features with thoroughly tested real-world examples. The example programs have been carefully crafted to be easy to understand as well as useful in practice, so you can rely on them as an outstanding starting point for your own code.

Volume I is designed to quickly bring you up to speed on what’s new in Java SE 6 and to help you make the transition as efficiently as possible, whether you’re upgrading from an earlier version of Java or migrating from another language. The authors concentrate on the fundamental concepts of the Java language, along with the basics of user-interface programming. You’ll find detailed, insightful coverage of

*Java fundamentals
*Object-oriented programming
*Interfaces and inner classes
*Reflection and proxies
*The event listener model
* GUI programming with Swing
* Packaging applications
* Exception handling
* Logging and debugging
* Generic programming
* The collections framework
* Concurrency



Daemon Tools Pro Advanced 4.35.0306 Full

Best product for optical media emulation. All DAEMON Tools features are now available in one solution — DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced.Create new images or edit existing ones with easy tool - Image Editor. Run it directly from DAEMON Tools or Windows Explorer.You can add, replace, delete files that image contains. Don't forget about support of various image types.Creat, edit, manage and burn imagens with only one powerful application - DAEMON Tools Pro!

Use full DAEMON Tools Pro functionality: create images using preset profiles, make necessary changes to image data if needed, compress data, split image files, protect your image information, burn to CD/DVD, emulate not only CD/DVD but also HD DVD and Blu-ray drives.Plus get even more virtual CD/DVD/HD DVD/Blu-ray drives. With DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced you have ability to create 32 virtual devices.

Only DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced has a special feature for advanced users — possibility to emulate not only SCSI but also IDE virtual devices.If all English letters are already assigned to devices and there is no free one left then you can still create virtual devices but without letters. With DAEMON Tools Pro it is possible!

But if your drive doesn’t have a letter you won’t see it in My Computer. How to get mounted image data on such drive then? DAEMON Tools Pro lets you assign folder to virtual drive and then access your virtual disc data opening this assigned folder in My Computer.

Do you have collection of different disc images types where each has some specificity? Can’t you protect some images due to their format restrictions? Do you want all images in catalog to have a single format? — Convert your image files to Media Descriptor format (*.mds/*.mdf files). It is DAEMON Tools native format and supports all DT Pro functionality. Feel free to use variety of tools and possibilities with MDS/MDF format for disc images.


Window 7 Wallpapers

1 million serial keys

Here you can find 99.99% serial numbers or keys that you need



Games for Nokia Touch Phone 5800, N97, 5530,5230

Games for Nokia Touch Phone 5800, N97, 5530,5230

1.Farm Frenzy v.1.00 Full
2.Colour Master Touch
3.Sensible Sudoku 2 v.2.02
4.Pocket Bagatelle v.1.0
5.Biozone v.1.4.0
6.Tetris Revolution v.1.16.55
7.Tic Tac Toe Relax - Lite v.1.0
8.Planet 51: Behind The Wheel v.0.05
9.Guitar Hero 5 Mobile v.2.0.0
10.Astraware Solitaire v.1.29 ( cod:56068001)
11.Astraware Casino v.1.42 (cod:56089324)
12.MicroMaze v.1.00
13.Crazy Penguin Catapult 2 v.1.0.28
14.Pac-Man Championship Edition v.1.1.0
15.Tony Hawk: VERT v.1.0.0
16.Bubble Town 2 v.1.3.0
17.Tank Ace 1944 v.1.03
18.PES 2010 :Pro Evolution Soccer v.1.0.0
19.Star Wars: Jedi Mind Tricks v.1.0.42



Max Registry Cleaner 6.042

Max Registry Cleaner | 8.7 Mb

Max Registry Cleaner provides solution to Windows registry related problems. It scans the Windows registry and finds incorrect or obsolete information.

You can safely clean, repair and optimize the Windows registry by fixing this obsolete information. By using a Max Registry Cleaner regularly and fixing registry errors your system will run faster, will be more stable and error free.

The Windows registry is a database repository for information about a computer's configuration. The registry keep growing when you use Windows. As it does so, it attracts obsolete and unnecessary information, and gradually becomes cluttered and fragmented. With the growing of the registry, it can degrade the performance of the whole system and cause many weird software problems.
+ With Max Registry Cleaner you can safely clean, repair and optimize the Windows registry with a few simple mouse clicks!
+ Avoid problems with the Windows registry that are a common cause of Windows crashes, slow performance and error messages.
+ Improve your system performance without expensive hardware upgrades.
+ Complete analysis of the detected registry entries with the threat levels
+ Safe Backup of any repairs made that you can easily recover any changes if required.
+ Personalized E-Mail support by our Research Team

+ Optimize, speed up and cleanup your PC
+ Fix Windows Start-up application errors
+ Load windows faster and reduce windows startup time
+ Run applications smoothly and prevent application crashes
+ Regain disk space
+ Fix certain application errors and increase the stability of the overall system
+ Maintain your PC like new


Big Book of Windows Hacks

Bigger, better, and broader in scope, the Big Book of Windows Hacks gives you everything you need to get the most out of your Windows Vista or XP system, including its related applications and the hardware it runs on or connects to. Whether you want to tweak Vista's Aero interface, build customized sidebar gadgets and run them from a USB key, or hack the "unhackable" screensavers, you'll find quick and ingenious ways to bend these recalcitrant operating systems to your will.

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