
Friday, August 20, 2010

Restrict right click on the desktop

Well, restricting right click on the desktop will be very useful to to prevent any one from changing options of your folders and applications by right clicking on them. you can do this easily form the registry. So to do so, just go through this simple steps:-

1. Go to Start menu and run the command prompt with Administrator rights.

2. Type regedit and press Enter. Now locate to the following folder:-

HKEY_CURRENT _USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Po licies\Explorer.
3. Once you reached to the folder, right click anywhere on the right side and create a new DWORD value. Name it as NoViewContextMenu.

4. Set the value 1 for this key by double clicking on it and press Ok.

5. Now make one more Dword value in the same registry key and name this key as “NoTrayContextmenu”. And set the value 1 for this key as well by double clicking on it and press Ok.

6. Now to disable the context menu for the Taskbar, locate to the following folder:-

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Explorer\Advanced.
7. Right click in the right pane and create a new DWORD value as before and name it as TaskbarContextMenu. Put value for this key as 0.

8. close the registry and you are done.

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